Like the title says - welcome!
This is The Dragon Scrolls, our blog, which will keep you up to date with what's happening at White Dragon Designs - workshop and course dates and events, new patterns and whatever is going on in The Weyr.
Thank you to everyone who has already visited and liked/shared on facebook, the support I've had for the decisions I've made has been great. If you look at the bottom of the sidebar
on the website, there are share buttons for Twitter, facebook and Pinterest, so feel free to spread the word!
So what's going on at the moment? Well, there are several free patterns for you to download
here and
here. Please do have a look at our
copyright statement and information page - there's nothing scary on there, I promise!
At the bottom of the Mitts & Wrist Warmers page there is a little gallery of pictures of mitts I've designed but have yet to write the patterns for. Whilst I love knitting and designing, I'm less enthusiastic about writing up the patterns as it takes quite some time and feels like homework. I'm hoping that putting the photos there will prod my conscience enough to make me translate the hieroglyphic scribble which passes as my pattern notes into something people a) can decipher without a degree in cryptography and/or an hallucinogen, b) can follow and work from sufficiently easily to recreate an item approximating the original and c) can use without excessive swearing and/or developing a migraine. I've made a sign for the door:

and I've also invested in some software which should make life easier. I just have to sit down and do it. Today I actually did housework in preference. However, I do want to share my designs with you all so I will just have to bring some of the determination I'm capable of mustering when trying to avoid doing something to bear on actually doing it and get it done.
I also have my first students this week, which will be exciting. They know they are sort of guinea-pigs but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also in tentative negotiations with a local college about providing some workshops and tuition - more information on that as it develops.
The Hoard, the website's shop, will be open for business soon - I'm hoping to get items listed on there in the next few weeks made by both myself and other crafters, so keep checking back.
There are a few events coming up such as Knit in Public Day on June 21st - we haven't quite decided what we're doing yet but we'll be doing something so as soon as plans are finalised I'll post about it. As we come into summer there will also be more craft fairs and when we have a stall we'll also run mini learn-to-knit drop-in sessions so it would be lovely to see you there!
Any questions, comments, feedback, suggestions and requests are welcome - use the
contact page and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Many thanks once again for visiting - come again soon!